
Upenndo! Productions is a full service independent animation production studio dedicated to producing industry standard, high quality, unique animated content that pushes the medium forward. Our projects are character driven, center thematically around both social and environmental good, including climate anxiety and environmental justice. We highlight talent and stories from a diverse range of voices, and inspire a wide range of audiences from around the world. Along with producing animation for LUNA Bars Equal Pay Day campaign, Adobe’s Project 1324, and more, during the Obama Administration Upenndo! Founder Maya Penn also produced the opening of the first ever digital report to congress, to get an American Museum of Women’s History built in Washington, DC. Along with standard animation, Upenndo! is also a producer of cutting edge VR, AR, and Mixed Reality (XR) experiences.
Founder Maya Penn is an award-winning storyteller, history making animator, artist, filmmaker, writer, Simon & Schuster author, and 3 time TED Speaker. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Toon Boom, Adobe, Huffington Post, Refinery29, CBS With Gayle King, Essence, Business Insider, NPR, Essence, The View TIME, O Magazine, The Steve Harvey Show, VICE, Wired, and more. She has been chosen by Oprah Winfrey as her youngest Supersoul 100 entrepreneur and change maker. She is also a specialist in environmental sustainability, eco-design, and in 2016 she received a commendation from President Obama for outstanding achievement in environmental stewardship.

Hey artists! Want to work with Upenndo?
Interested in Upenndos upcoming projects?
For inquiries around investment, distribution, and more please email info@upenndo.com
We are currently expanding our diverse database of animators, artists, designers and overall awesome creatives for upcoming animated projects! To inquire please email your name, contact info and portfolio to info@upenndo.com! Thank you!